Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences Submit Manuscript

    Executive Editor(s)

    Oscar Alfranca
    Agri-Food Engineering Department
    Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

    Research Interest: Water, Forestry, Technological Engineering.

    list of Publications

    Xavier Recasens, Oscar Alfranca, Luis Maldonado: The adaptation of urban farms to cities: The case of the Alella wine region within the Barcelona Metropolitan Region. Land Use Policy 11/2016; 56. DOI:10.1016/j.landusepol.2016.04.023

    Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Oscar Alfranca, Mercedes Bertomeu, Marta Ezquerro, Juan Carlos Giménez, Jacinto González-Pachón, Carlos Romero: Using quantitative techniques to evaluate and explain the sustainability of forest plantations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 07/2016;  DOI:10.1139/cjfr-2015-0508

    Claudia De Mori, Mario Otávio Batalha, Oscar Alfranca: A model for measuring technology capability in the agrifood industry companies. British Food Journal 06/2016; 118(6). DOI:10.1108/BFJ-10-2015-0386

    Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Oscar Alfranca, Jacinto González-Pachón, Carlos Romero: Ranking of industrial forest plantations in terms of sustainability: A multicriteria approach. Journal of Environmental Management 05/2016; 180.

    Oscar Alfranca: Book Review: Messier, Christian, Puetmann, Klaus J. and Coates, K. David. 2014: Managing Forests as Complex Adaptative Systems: Building Resilience to the Challenge of Global Change. Progress in Development Studies 01/2016;  DOI:10.1177/1464993415625271

    Oscar Alfranca, Roberto Voces, Luis Diaz-Balteiro: Influence of Climate and Economic Variables on the Aggregated Supply of a Wild Edible Fungi (Lactarius deliciosus). Forests 07/2015; 6(7). DOI:10.3390/f6072324

    Oscar Alfranca: Book review: Walker, Gordon. 2012: Environmental Justice: Concepts, Evidence and Politics. Progress in Development Studies 01/2015; 15(1). DOI:10.1177/1464993414547985

    Oscar Alfranca: Cooperativas y SAT agroalimentarias: una comparación de la calidad del resultado contable..

    Oscar Alfranca: Book review: Bulkeley, Harriet and Newell, Peter. 2010: Governing Climate Change (Global Institutions). Progress in Development Studies 04/2014; 14(2). DOI:10.1177/1464993413517803

    Luis Segui-Amortegui, Oscar Alfranca-Burriel, Gabriela Moeller-Chavez: Methodology for the Technical-Economic Analysis of Wastewater Regeneration and Reutilization Systems. TECNOLOGIA Y CIENCIAS DEL AGUA  03/2014; 5(2).

    Oscar Alfranca, Roberto Voces, Casimiro Herruzo, Luis Diaz-Balteiro: Effects of Innovation on the European Wood Industry Market Structure. Forest Policy and Economics 01/2014; 40. DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2013.12.001

    Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Oscar Alfranca, Roberto Voces: Mercado de Lactarius deliciosus. Modelización de la oferta en España.. Información técnica económica agraria 10/2013; 109(3). DOI:10.12706/itea.2013.022

    Claudia De Mori, Mário Otávio Batalha, Oscar Alfranca: Technological capability: An index model and application to wheat agro-industrial complex firms. Produção 12/2012; 24(AHEAD). DOI:10.1590/S0103-65132013005000086

    O. Alfranca: Book Review: McDonald, B.L. 2010: Food Security. Progress in Development Studies 10/2012; 12(4). DOI:10.1177/146499341201200409

    Roberto Voces, Luis Diaz-Balteiro, Óscar Alfranca: Demand for wild edible mushrooms. The case of Lactarius deliciosus in Barcelona (Spain). Journal of Forest Economics 07/2012; 18(1). DOI:10.1016/j.jfe.2011.06.003

    O. Alfranca: Book Review: Understanding Economic Development: A Global Transition from Poverty to Prosperity?. Progress in Development Studies 06/2012; 12(2-3). DOI:10.1177/146499341101200310

    Oscar Alfranca, Joan García, Hector Varela: Economic Valuation of a Created Wetland Fed with Treated Wastewater Located in a Peri-Urban Park in Catalonia, Spain. Water Science & Technology 03/2011; 63(5). DOI:10.2166/wst.2011.267

    J. C. Ortuzar-Gana, O. Alfranca-Burriel: Current and regular prices hedonic models for the wine industry. 12/2010; 8(4). DOI:10.5424/sjar/2010084-1381

    O. Alfranca: Ahrens, J. 2002: Governance and economic development. A comparative institutional approach. Cheltenham and Northampton: Edward Elgar, 433 pp. 84.95 cloth. ISBN: 1 84064 960 7. Progress in Development Studies 09/2010; 10(4). DOI:10.1177/146499340901000407

    Luis Seguí, Oscar Alfranca, Joan García: Techno-economical evaluation of water reuse for wetland restoration: a case study in a natural park in Catalonia, Northeastern Spain. Desalination 09/2009; 247(1-3). DOI:10.1016/j.desal.2008.03.051

    Óscar Alfranca, Luis Diaz-Balteiro, A. Casimiro Herruzo: Technical innovation in Spain's wood-based industry: The role of environmental and quality strategies. Forest Policy and Economics 05/2009; 11(3). DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2009.01.002

    O. Alfranca, R.-U. Goetz, A. Xabadia: International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology: Introduction.

    Oscar Alfranca, Miguel-Angel Galindo: Fiscal policy, income distribution and growth with environmental restrictions. International Journal of Public Policy 02/2006; 1(3). DOI:10.1504/IJPP.2006.009800

    Oscar Alfranca, Miguel-Angel Galindo: Introduction: current issues in fiscal policy. International Journal of Public Policy 02/2006; 1(3). DOI:10.1504/IJPP.2006.009808

    O. Alfranca: Book Review: Rural poverty, risk and development. Progress in Development Studies 07/2005; 5(3). DOI:10.1177/146499340500500307

    Oscar Alfranca: Private R&D and Spillovers in European Agriculture. International Advances in Economic Research 02/2005; 11(2). DOI:10.1007/s11294-005-3016-7

    Oscar Alfranca: Technological Concentration of Innovation in Agribusiness.

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Innovation spells in the multinational agri-food sector. Technovation 08/2004; 24(8-24). DOI:10.1016/S0166-4972(02)00129-3

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Combining different brands of in-house knowledge: Technological capabilities in food, biotechnology, chemicals and drugs in agri-food multinationals. Science and Public Policy 06/2004; 31(3). DOI:10.3152/147154304781779985

    Oscar Alfranca, Joan Oca, Lourdes Reig: Product differentiation and dynamic price behavior in fish markets. International Advances in Economic Research 05/2004; 10(2). DOI:10.1007/BF02295677

    G Moeller-Chávez, L Seguí-Amórtegui, O Alfranca-Burriel, V Escalante-Estrada, F Pozo-Román, A Rivas-Hernández: Water reuse in the Apatlaco River Basin (México): A feasibility study. Water Science & Technology 02/2004; 50(2).

    Oscar Alfranca, Wallace E Huffman: Aggregate Private R&D Investments in Agriculture: The Role of Incentives, Public Policies, and Institutions. Economic Development and Cultural Change 02/2003; 52(1). DOI:10.1086/380585

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Technological capabilities in multinational agribusiness.

    Oscar Alfranca, Miguel-Angel Galindo: Public expenditure, income distribution, and growth in OECD countries. International Advances in Economic Research 01/2003; 9(2). DOI:10.1007/BF02295714

    Ruth Rama, Oscar Alfranca, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Competitive behaviour, design and technical innovation in food and beverage multinationals Oscar Alfranca. International Journal of Biotechnology 01/2003; 5(3/4). DOI:10.1504/IJBT.2003.004096

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Ventajas competitivas de la multinacional agroalimentaria en aspectos tecnológicos. Revista de Administração Contemporânea 01/2003; 8(3). DOI:10.1590/S1415-65552004000300009

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Technological fields and concentration of innovation among food and beverage multinationals. The International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 01/2003; 05(02).

    Ruth Rama, Oscar Alfranca, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: Estrategias sobre innovacion en las empresas multinacionales agroalimentarias. Economia Agraria y Recursos Naturales 01/2003; 03(06). DOI:10.7201/earn.2003.06.02

    Oscar Alfranca, Stephane Lemarie: Analysing Competition Between Seed Varieties: An Application To Hybrid Corn Seed In France.

    Wallace Huffman, O. Alfranca: Private R&D Investments in Agriculture: The Role of Incentives, Public Policies, and Institutions.

    Oscar Alfranca, Ruth Rama, Nicholas von Tunzelmann: A patent analysis of global food and beverage firms: The persistence of innovation. Agribusiness 01/2002; 18(3). DOI:10.1002/agr.10021

    O Alfranca: Impact of institutions and public research on private agricultural research.

    Oscar Alfranca: Scientific policy and free riders. International Advances in Economic Research 02/2001; 7(1). DOI:10.1007/BF02296599

    Oscar Alfranca, Wallace E. Huffman: Impact of institutions and public research on private agricultural research. Agricultural Economics 02/2001; 25(2-3). DOI:10.1111/j.1574-0862.2001.tb00199.x

    O. Alfranca, Wallace Huffman: Private R & D Investments in Agriculture: The Role of Incentives and Institutions.

    More Info.

    Editorial Board

    Jolanta Tamošaitienė
    Associate Professor
    Institute of Sustainable Construction, Head of Operational Research Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering
    Vilnius Gediminas technical university - Vilnius TECH

    Jolanta Tamošaitienė. Chief Research Fellow, Associated professor, Doctor, working in Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department: Institute of Sustainable Construction, Head of Operational Research Laboratory, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VilniusTECH), Lithuania.

    The author of total 5 papers in the category Highly Cited Papers and H index-27 of the author “Clarivate Analytics” (ISI Thomson Reuters Web of Science) data base. Since 2013 is a member of Editorial Board “The Journal of Engineering, Project, and Production Management”, Since 2013-2016 Science Innovation, Member, since 2012 ISRN Construction Engineering, Since 2015 is a member of Editorial Board “Mathematical Modelling and Applications Journal”, since 2017 is a member of Editorial Board "The Open Civil Engineering Journal" and Editorial Advisory Board Member "Soft Computing in Civil Engineering". In 2018 Quest Editor of the journal "Administrative sciences" Special issues "Rational decision making in Risk Management".

    Since 2009 is a member of EURO Working Group OR in Sustainable Development and Civil Engineering, EWG-ORSDCE. She published about 73 scientific research papers and participate more at 30 scientific conference. Excellent reviewer (Publons information) total approx. more 274 reviews. Start at 2011-2023 improvement of qualification (internships, lasting more than two weeks, trainings, seminars, not less than 8 acad. hours.;) during Erasmus+ exchange programmes: at  National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, National Taipei University of Technology (Taiwan); Cracow University of Technology (Poland); Universitat Politècnica deValència (Spain); Zagreb University of Applied Sciences (Croatia); University of Žilina (Slovakia); HTWK, Leipcig (Germany); University of Ljubljana (Slovenia); Poznan university of technology (Poland); Riga technical university (Latvia) and ect.


    Research Interest: Decision Making (DM), statistics, optimization, strategies, game theory, grey system theory, intelligent support system, Civil engineering, construction engineering, construction management areas (enterprise, construction project and etc.), risk assessment, construction project administration, building life-cycle, construction technology and organisation, sustainable development: developing of alternative construction processes, economic and other aspects, sustainable development challenges for business and management in construction enterprises, environmental impact processes and etc.

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    Xu Fu
    Associate Professor
    Architectural Engineering Institute
    North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering

    Xu Fu, associate professor, School of Architectural Engineering, Beichina Institute of Aerospace Technology, master tutor, and famous teacher of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Hebei Province. In July 2005, he graduated from the School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Central South University, and in June 2012, he received his Ph. D. degree in Geotechnical Engineering, Wuhan Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has presided over and participated in more than 60 teaching and research projects including 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects. He is mainly engaged in the teaching and research of multi-field coupling theory, risk management and intelligent design methods in environmental geotechnical and underground engineering. In recent years, he has published 66 papers and granted 43 patents in the field of civil engineering.

    Research Interest: Multi-field coupling theory, risk management and intelligent design method in environmental geotechnical and underground engineering

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    Leonardo Marchiori
    Civil Engineering and Architecture
    University Beira Interior (UBI)

    Leonardo Marchiori is Master of Science in Civil Engineering (Environment and Geotechnics), and PhD researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture of the University Beira Interior, and research centres FibEnTech and GeoBioTec in Portugal. The main research fields are industrial wastes’ geotechnical valorisation; wastewater induced bioclogging in porous materials; in situ and laboratorial soil's geotechnical and geological characterization. He has 5 years of experience in investigation over geomaterials and has been working in several infrastructures services providing geotechnical and hydrogeological report for civil construction industry, roads and embankments, solar energy plants, and water treatment plants.

    Research Interest: Waste management and geotechnical valorisation; wastewater treatment induced by bioclogging mechanisms in porous materials; in situ and laboratorial soil's geotechnical and geological characterization; geomaterials development; water and groundwater characterization and management.

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    Can Cui
    Postdoctoral Researcher
    Department of Civil &Environmental Engineering
    University of South Florida

    Can Cui, Ph.D., EIT, is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Smart Urban Mobility Lab in the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at the University of South Florida. Dr. Cui holds a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with a focus on Safety and Management from Zhengzhou University, where he also earned his Master of Science in Transportation Engineering. He is currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science at the Georgia Institute of Technology, expected to be completed in July 2025.

    Dr. Cui's research interests include traffic crash data analysis and modeling, pavement engineering, and the integration of shared micromobility into public transit. He has contributed significantly to the field through numerous publications in refereed journals and conferences. He is an active member of several professional societies, including the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) and the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA).
    Research Interest: enhancing traffic safety, improving pavement engineering, and promoting sustainable urban mobility. She specializes in traffic crash data analysis and modeling, using advanced techniques to uncover accident causes and develop predictive models for better road safety. In pavement engineering, her work aims to improve the durability and cost-effectiveness of road surfaces through sustainable materials and innovative construction methods. Additionally, Dr. Cui is dedicated to integrating shared micromobility, such as bikes and scooters, into public transit systems, assessing their impact on urban mobility, sustainability, and public health to provide insights for more efficient and accessible transportation networks. Her interdisciplinary approach leverages data analysis, engineering principles, and an understanding of human behavior to create safer, more resilient, and sustainable urban environments.
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    Francesca Ciampa
    Department of Architecture
    University of Naples Federico II

    Francesca Ciampa is an Architect, Ph.D. in Sustainable Technology, Regeneration and Representation of Architecture and the Environment, and Master Expert in the Maintenance and Sustainable Regeneration of the Built Environment. She is abilitate as Associate Professor in Italy. She is also Subject Expert in Architectural Technology (ICAR/12), Lecturer of Master's degree program in Architecture & Heritage at the University of Naples Federico II, holder of the course Design studio for Architectural Heritage - technological design for Architecture module - Academic year 2024/2025; and Research Fellow in Cultural Heritage Active Innovation for Sustainable Society,  for Historical Landscapes, Traditions and Cultural Identities in the section of “Innovative maintenance for the enhancement of Archaeological Heritage in the Campi Flegrei” at the Department of Architecture (DiARC) at the University of Naples Federico II. She carried out research abroad at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation of Columbia University, investigating the integration between technological innovation and vulnerable settlements; and at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of University of Bath in the United Kingdom, experimenting, prototyping and testing innovative biocomponents for the design of building elements in the landscape and built environment renovation processes. Winner of the “Horizon Europe Pump Priming Collaboration between UK and EU Partners 2024” grant by the British Academy fund with the selected project proposal “AREE_Adapting, re-using and enhancing the European rural heritage buildings: new technological solutions with rooted local materials”. A three-time winner of the COST European Cooperation in Science & Technology. She also wins, as a project manager, the “Horizon 2020 Public Consultation for the collection of proposals for the adaptive reuse of buildings in a perspective of circular economy”. She ranked as a finalist with the ExtrArtis project both at the “Horizon CLIC Startup competition on circular models of cultural heritage reuse and creative enterprise development” and at the “Association of Women Inventors and Innovators Award”.


    Research Interest: Creative regeneration process based on the engagement of stakeholders and communities involvement; and innovative renovation building for

    the integration of bio-component technologies

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    DENG Shihai
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Nationnal University of Singapore

    Dr DENG Shihai was born in Dec 1989 in China. He got his PhD in Sep 2017. Dr DENG is now a lecture in Beijing Jiaotong University and working as a visiting scholar in National University of Singapore. Dr DENG has published 15 journal articles, including publications in ES&T, BT and Chemosphere, and 7 printed abstracts. He and the group he is working in  has been founded by 10 national grants. Dr DENG was honoured with National Scholarship (China), Outstanding Graduates Award (Beijing), Major Academic Scholarship (Ministry of Education of the People s Republic of China) and so on.

    Dr DENG is now working on refractory organic wastewater treatment by AOP and biological degradation processes, biological nitrogen removal by autotrophic denitrification based on electrochemical reactions, and Restoration of slightly polluted water bodies.

    Research Interest: Water and Wastewater Treatment; Water Pollution Control; Environmental Biology; Environmental Chemistry; Advanced Oxidation Processes; Constructed wetlands; Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal; Autotrophic Denitrification.


    Skype ID: +65 81200755

    Number of publication: 15

    More Info.
    Teng Shao
    Associate Professor
    Department of Architecture, School of Mechanics, Civil Engineering and Architecture
    Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU)

    Associate Professor, Master tutor, Vice-head of Department, Postdoctor in Computer Science and Technology of NPU, Doctor in Building Technology Science of HIT. Presided and participated about twenty national and provincial research projects, and completed several green building design practice projects. Published more than forty academic papers, and three national key books. Participated in drafting seven association and local standards, and the Qinghai Provincial government's special plan. Authorized five patents, applied for three patents, and obtained four computer software copyrights. Won the first prize of China Award for Science and Technology in Construction, the third prize of Shaanxi Province Award for Science and Technology, the first prize of Heilongjiang Province Award for Science and Technology Award in Urban and Rural Construction (two times), and the Planning & Architecture Double gold award of National Habitat Classic Building planning and Design Scheme Competition et al.

    Research Interest: Green residential area and building performance optimization design, Multi-objective optimization design method, Building solar energy utilization design, Ai-assisted building and physical environmental design

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    Kang Hou
    Associate Professor
    School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
    Xi'an polytechnic University

    Dr. Kang Hou completed his M.S. and Ph.D. at Xi’an Jiaotong University in China in July 2011 and October 2017 respectively. He joined in Xi'an polytechnic University as an Associate Professor in January 2018. Until now, he has published 14+ papers and Impact Factor of published papers (first and corresponding author) over 5 (IF>5). His current research is focused on ecological assessment and model, remote sensing inversion, terrain analysis and applications of GIS in environment science in the arid and semi-arid regions.

    Research Interest: Ecological assessment and model, remote sensing inversion, terrain analysis and applications of GIS in environment science in the arid and semi-arid regions.

    List of Publications:
    1.    Hou K, Tao WD,ChangY, Li X X*. A feasible method for the Division of Ecological Vulnerability and Quantitative Study of Its Driving Forces in the upper reaches of the Water Source- Southern Shaanxi. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2018. (Accept)  (IF=5.651)
    2.    Hou K, Li X X*, jing Wang J, et al. An analysis of the impact on land use and ecological vulnerability of the policy of returning farmland to forest in Yan’an, China[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(5): 4670-4680.(SCI)(IF=2.8)
    3.    Hou K, Li X X*, Zhang J. GIS Analysis of Changes in Ecological Vulnerability Using a SPCA Model in the Loess Plateau of Northern Shaanxi, China[J]. International journal of environmental research and public health, 2015, 12(4): 4292-4305.(SCI)(IF=2.101)
    4.    Hou K, Zhou J, Li X X*, et al. Study on GIS Visualization in Evaluation of the Human Living Environment in Shenyang-Dalian Urban Agglomeration [J]. Scientifica, 2016, 2016.(ESCI)
    5.    Hou K, Li X X*, Wang J, et al. Evaluating ecological vulnerability using the GIS and analytic hierarchy process (AHP) method in Yan’an, China[J]. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2016, 25(2). (SCI)(IF=1.120)
    6.    Hou K, Li X X*, Wang J, et al. Quantitative Evaluation System of Habitat Environmental Quality in Yellow River Deltas [J]. FRESENIUS ENVIRONMENTAL BULLETIN.  2016, 25(12): 5291-5295.(SCI)(IF=0.673)
    7.    Hou K, Zhang J, Li X X*. The assessment of eco-environmental vulnerability in Yulin, China[C]//Environment, Energy and Applied Technology: Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Frontier of Energy and Environment Engineering (ICFEEE 2014), Taiwan, December 6-7, 2014. CRC Press, 2015: 129. (EI)
    8.    Zhang Y, Hou K, Chang Y, et al. Assessment of human settlements and associated influential factors in Weihe River Plain[J]. Indoor and Built Environment, 2018: 1420326X18761113. (IF=1.158)
    9.    Chen P, Hou K, Chang Y, et al. Study on the Progress of Ecological Fragility Assessment in China[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2018, 113(1): 012088.
    10.     HOU K, ZHANG Yue, LI Xu-xiang et al. Analysis of Land Use Classification and Urbanization Process in Chengguan District of Lhasa [C]. The Second National Symposium of Natural Resources Society of Resources Recycling and Natural Resource Circulation and Global Environmental Change Academic Seminar Abstracts, 2016: 65-66. (In Chinese)
    11.    Ge Shengbin, Li Xuxiang, Hou K and so on. WebGIS - based urban climate map information system design, mapping and spatial geographic information, 2017,11. (In Chinese)
    12.    Zhang Jing, kang Hou, Xuxiang Li. Assessment of the Land-using of Yan’anand Ecological Vulnerability Based on Remote-sensing Dynamic Monitoring. GEOMATICS & SPATIAL INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 2015, 5: 26-31. (In Chinese)
    13.    Deng Wenbo, Kang Hou,Li Xuxiang. The study on living environment of typical urban agglomerations in North China. China Engineering Science and Technology Forum - Workshop on Sustainable Development of Cities, 2010, 60: 1693-1699. (In Chinese)
    14.    LI Xiaoping, NAN Xiaojuan, HOU Kang, CHEN Cong. Mobility of Heavy Metals and the Leaching Characteristics with Ascorbic Acid from Urban Soil in Tongchuan City. Arid area research, 2012, 29(5): 878-882 (In Chinese).

    More Info.
    Khalid Safaa Hashim
    Civil Engineering
    Liverpool John Moores University (UK), and University of Babylon (IRAQ)
    United Kingdom

    Khalid Hashim is a doctor of advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies and a lecturer at the Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. He has extensive research interests covering a wide variety of interdisciplinary perspectives concerning the theory and practice of advanced hybrid technologies in water and wastewater treatment. He has published well over 30 peer reviewed scientific publications in multidisciplinary research areas including: waste management, water treatment, wastewater treatment, air pollution, soil pollution, treatment reactors, pollution of construction materials, design and modelling of electrochemical reactors, concrete additives, and soil additives.

    Khalid has been actively involved as a member of editorial board and review committee for a number peer reviewed international journals, and is on program committee or as a chair for a number of ranked international conferences.

    He has been awarded various, national and international, research grants. Additionally, Khalid won different national and international academic awards such as the medal of excellence that awarded by the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Iraq.

    Khalid is a member of the IEEE DeSE International Conference Series on Developments in eSystems Engineering ( He has a large number of international contacts and leads or participates in several international committees in his research fields.

    Research Interest:  Water and wastewater treatment


    Skype ID: Khalid_alhilli

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    Muhammad Ali Musarat
    PhD Researcher
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

    Muhammad Ali Musarat is a Civil Engineer, having specialization in Construction Engineering and Management. He has good experience in academia and published several articles journals and conferences. He served as Coordinator and Assistant Professor at Department of Civil Engineering, Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology, Pakistan. Currently he is pursuing his PhD in Civil Engineering at Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia.

    Research Interest: Construction management, Construction materials, Sustainability.


    List of Publications:
    1.    Bukhari, H., Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Akram, S., Tabassum, I., & Altaf, M. (2021). Materializing Low-Cost Energy-Efficient Residential Utility through Effective Space Design and Masonry Technique - A Practical Approach. Civil Engineering and Architecture 9(2), 357-374.
    2.    Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Haruna, S., Tayeh, B., & Norizan, M. N. B. (2021). Chemical attack on concrete containing a high volume of crumb rubber as a partial replacement to fine aggregate in engineered cementitious composite (ECC). Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, (ja).
    3.    Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Liew, M. S., Qureshi, A. H., & Maqsoom, A. (2021). Investigating the impact of inflation on labour wages in Construction Industry of Malaysia. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.
    4.    Musarat, M. A., Alaloul, W. S., Liew, M. S., Maqsoom, A., & Qureshi, A. H. (2021). The Effect of Inflation Rate on CO2 Emission: A Framework for Malaysian Construction Industry. Sustainability, 13(3), 1562.
    5.    Tjaronge, M. W., Musarat, M. A., Law, K., Alaloul, W. S., & Ayub, S. (2021). Effect of Graphene Oxide on Mechanical Properties of Rubberized Concrete: A Review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (pp. 484-492). Springer, Singapore.
    6.    Jaya, I., Alaloul, W. S., & Musarat, M. A. (2021). Role of Inflation in Construction: A Systematic Review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (pp. 701-708). Springer, Singapore.
    7.    Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., & Hui, C. J. (2021). Impact of Elevated Temperature on Rubberized Concrete: A Review. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (pp. 421-427). Springer, Singapore.
    8.    Abdullah, M. S., Alaloul, W. S., Liew, M. S., & Musarat, M. A. (2021). Delay and Cost Overrun of Palm Oil Refinery Construction Projects: Artificial Neural Network (ANN) Model. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil, Offshore and Environmental Engineering (pp. 580-589). Springer, Singapore.
    9.    Maqsoom, A., Khan, K., Musarat, M. A., Mubasit, H., Umer, M., Influence of Internal Workforce Diversity Factors on Labor Productivity in Construction Projects: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
    10.    Bukhari, H., Musarat, M. A., & Alaloul, W. S. (2020, November). Rat Trap Bond: A state of review. In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-3). IEEE.
    11.    Altaf, M., Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Bukhari, H., Saad, S., & Ammad, S. (2020, November). BIM Implication of Life Cycle Cost Analysis in Construction Project: A Systematic Review. In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
    12.    Maqsoom, A., Arif, U., Ejaz, A., Musarat, M. A., Aslam, I., & Zubair, S. (2020, November). Factors influencing the Pro-Environmental Behavior of Construction Workers. In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-5). IEEE.
    13.    Rafiq, W., Humair, M., Napiah, M. B., Sutanto, M. H., Musarat, M. A., & Memon, A. M. (2020, November). Performance Evaluation of Rutting and Moisture Damage containing Warm Mix Asphalt Mixtures with Recycled Asphalt pavement. In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
    14.    Qureshi, A. H., Alaloul, W. S., Manzoor, B., Musarat, M. A., Saad, S., & Ammad, S. (2020, November). Implications of Machine Learning Integrated Technologies for Construction Progress Detection Under Industry 4.0 (IR 4.0). In 2020 Second International Sustainability and Resilience Conference: Technology and Innovation in Building Designs (51154) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
    15.    Maqsoom, A., Khan, K., Musarat, M. A., Mubasit, H., & Shaheen, I. (2020, November). Influence of External Workforce Diversity Factors on Labor Productivity in Construction Projects: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. In 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA) (pp. 768-772). IEEE.
    16.    Farooq, W., Musarat, M. A., & Alaloul, W. S. (2020, November). Computational Modelling and Analysis of Fullerene Based Polymer Solar Cell. In 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA) (pp. 391-394). IEEE.
    17.    Musarat, M. A., Alaloul, W. S., Qureshi, A. H., & Altaf, M. (2020, November). Inflation Rate and Construction Materials Prices: Relationship Investigation. In 2020 International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Application (DASA) (pp. 387-390). IEEE.
    18.    Aslam, B., Maqsoom, A., Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Jabbar, T., & Zafar, A. (2020). Soil erosion susceptibility mapping using a GIS-based multi-criteria decision approach: Case of district Chitral, Pakistan. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.
    19.    Rafiq, W., Bin Napiah, M., Hartadi Sutanto, M., Salah Alaloul, W., Nadia Binti Zabri, Z., Imran Khan, M., & Ali Musarat, M. (2020). Investigation on Hamburg Wheel-Tracking Device Stripping Performance Properties of Recycled Hot-Mix Asphalt Mixtures. Materials, 13(21), 4704.
    20.    Alaloul, W. S., John, V. O., & Musarat, M. A. (2020). Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Interlocking Bricks Utilizing Wasted Polyethylene Terephthalate. International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 14, 1-11.
    21.    Alaloul, W. S., & Musarat, M. A. (2020). Impact of Zero Energy Building: Sustainability Perspective. In Sustainable Sewage Sludge Management and Resource Efficiency. IntechOpen.
    22.    Musarat, M. A., Alaloul, W. S., & Liew, M. S. (2020). Impact of inflation rate on construction projects budget: A review. Ain Shams Engineering Journal.
    23.    Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Tayeh, B. A., Sivalingam, S., Rosli, M. F. B., Haruna, S., & Khan, M. I. (2020). Mechanical and deformation properties of rubberized engineered cementitious composite (ECC). Case Studies in Construction Materials, e00385.
    24.    Musarat, M. A., Alaloul, W. S., Liew, M. S., Maqsoom, A., & Qureshi, A. H. (2020). Investigating the impact of inflation on building materials prices in construction industry. Journal of Building Engineering, 101485.
    25.    Alaloul, W. S., Liew, M. S., Zawawi, N. A. W., Mohammed, B. S., Adamu, M., & Musharat, M. A. (2020). Structural equation modelling of construction project performance based on coordination factors. Cogent Engineering, 7(1), 1726069.
    26.    Altaf, M., Musarat, M. A., Khan, A., Shoukat, Z., & Salahuddin, U. (2019, August). Change Order Impact on Construction Industry of Pakistan. In AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering (pp. 391-402). Springer, Cham.
    27.    Alaloul, W. S., Musarat, M. A., Liew, M. S., & Zawawi, N. A. W. A. (2019, August). Influential Safety Performance and Assessment in Construction Projects: A Review. In AWAM International Conference on Civil Engineering (pp. 719-728). Springer, Cham.
    28.    Nafeesa Shaheen, Anam Fatima, Muhammad Ali Musarat (2017). Phase change materials (PCMs) application in building envelop (A REVIEW), Sarhad University International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (SUIJBAS), Vol. 5, No. 1, ISSN: 2307-552X.
    29.    Muhammad Ali Musarat, Aaqib Junaid, Rahmat Ali (2017). Evaluate the use of recycled aggregate in concrete, International journal of Engineering & Technology (IJET), Vol. 7, No. 9, ISSN: 2049-3444.
    30.    M. Ali Musarat, M. Zeeshan Ahad (2016). Factors affecting the success of construction projects in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, KICEM Journal of Construction Engineering & Project Management, Vol. 6, No. 4, ISSN: 2233-9582.
    31.    Muhammad Ali Musarat, Sanaullah, Sikandar Hayat khan & kifayat Ullah (2016). Effect of bentonite on fresh and hardened property of self compacting concrete, Sarhad University International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (SUIJBAS), Vol. 4, No. 1, ISSN: 2307-552X.
    32.    Muhammad Ali Musarat, Omair Inderyas, Sheharyar Khan & Dr. Abid Ali Shah (2016). Causes of delay in the execution phase of construction projects in Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa Pakistan, Sarhad University International Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (SUIJBAS), Vol. 4, No. 1, ISSN: 2307-552X.
    33.    Aaqib Junaid, Ahmad Jan, Muhammad Ali Musarat (2016). Evaluating the effect of Nylon fibers In Self-Compacting Concrete, proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan, December 28-30, 2016 (ICETEMS-2016) Peshawar, Pakistan. ISBN No: 978-969-23044-2-9.
    34.    Shamshad Ali, Muhammad Ali Musarat, Muhammad Ismail, Muhammad Islam (2016). Lack of Plant/Equipment Problems in Construction Industry of KP Pakistan, proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan, December 28-30, 2016 (ICETEMS-2016) Peshawar, Pakistan. ISBN No: 978-969-23044-2-9.
    35.    Hussain Ali Khan, Muhammad Ali Musarat, Muhammad Alamgir Khan, Isar Ahmad (2016). Poor workmanship problems in Construction Industry of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa Pakistan, proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan, December 28-30, 2016 (ICETEMS-2016) Peshawar, Pakistan. ISBN No: 978-969-23044-2-9.
    36.    Asad Masroor, Muhammad Ali Musarat, Hussain Ali Khan (2016). Benchmarking the current state of construction safety practices in KP, Pakistan, proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Sciences Peshawar, Pakistan, December 28-30, 2016 (ICETEMS-2016) Peshawar, Pakistan. ISBN No: 978-969-23044-2-9.

    Skype ID: muhammadalimusarat

    More Info.
    Heah Cheng Yong
    Associate Professor
    Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technology
    Universiti Malaysia Perlis

    Heah, Cheng Yong serves as Associate Professor in University Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) and currently a fellow researcher at Center of Excellence Geopolymer and Green Technology (CEGEOGTECH). His research interests focuses on materials engineering, geopolymers, construction materials, materials characterization, materials processing, and materials characteristic. Besides, he actively acts as reviewer for impact factor journal publish by Elsevier, Springer, Wiley or Nature. Besides, he is appointed as several international editorial board members by multidiscipline journal. Currently, He is ranked as World's Top 2% Scientists by Stanford University.

    Research Interest(s): Materials Engineering, Geopolymer, Cement, Concrete, Materials Science, Construction Materials

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    Ranjit T Koodali
    Dean of Graduate School
    Graduate School
    University of South Dakota

    Research Interest: Design and synthesis of novel porous nanomaterials with applications towards artificial photosynthesis (photocatalytic splitting of water), Solar fuel generation (photocatalytic reduction of carbon dioxide), Degradation of organic (dyes, herbicides, and pesticides) and Inorganic pollutants (nitrates and nitrites) in aqueous media and gases (removal of NOx), Energy storage (lithium-ion batteries), catalysis (synthesis of fine chemicals), and Drug delivery to the brain.

    More Info.
    Dong Chen
    Associate Professor
    Department of Civil & Mechanical Engineering
    Indiana University-Purdue University

    Research Interest:  Water chemistry; Water filtration membranes fouling and control; Chemistry of natural organic matters (13C NMR, FTIR, aromaticity, molecular weight, hydrophobicity, polarity, and protein/carbohydrate); Sonochemistry; Photooxidation; and Corrosion science.

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    Samera Hussein Hamad
    Environmental Chemistry and Technology
    University of Wisconsin-Madison

    Research Interest: Investigating the levels of the environmental toxicants/chemicals (organic and inorganic compounds) in water, soil and air, their physical and chemical interactions, sources, and the impact on human health.

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    Prashant Kumar
    Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    University of Surrey

    Research Interest: Air pollution modelling and human exposure risk assessmentAirborne nanoparticles: measurements, modelling and health impact assessment Assessment and characterisation of emerging air pollution and particulate matter sources Wind flows and pollutant dispersion in urban areas (cities / megacities) Traffic emission impacts on air quality, climate change and urban infrastructure  Indoor air quality and personal exposure in transport microenvironments

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    Mansour Mhaede
    Institute of Materials Science and Engineering
    Clausthal University of Technology

    Research Interest: Characterizing the mechanical properties and corrosion behaviour of biomaterials Mechanical surface treatments (shot peening and ball-burnishing) of metals and alloys. Coatings prior and after mechanical surface treatments  Evaluating the effects of Severe Plastic Deformations (SPD) on the materials characteristics Evaluation of surface layer properties (surface roughness, micro-hardness and residual stresses) of metals and alloys. Fatigue, corrosion fatigue and stress corrosion cracking of metals and alloys.  Corrosion monitoring by electrochemical techniques. Analytical assessments by SEM and EDX. Analytical assessments by spectrophotometer and atomic absorption.

    More Info.
    Wing-Kei Ho
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Science and Environmental Studies
    Hong Kong Institute of Education
    Hong Kong

    Research Interest: Artificial Photosynthesis for Energy Conversion and Environmental Remediation Air monitoring and Pollution Control Heterogeneous catalysis and photocatalysis Nano-technology for Environmental Applications Science and Environmental Education

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    Mariagrazia D Emilio
    Italian National Research Council

    Research Interest: Heavy Metals, Environmental Toxicology, Environment, Land Degradation,  Satellite Data,  Soil, Time Series, Correlation, Multivariate Statistics, Vegetation, Climate,  Atmosphere 

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    Agnieszka Ewa Wiacek
    Assistant Professor
    Department of Interfacial Phenomena and Chemistry

    Research Interest: Colloidal Chemistry, Dispersed Systems, Emulsion and Suspension Stability, Dynamic Light Scattering, Wettability, Polymers and Biopolymers, Surfactants and Biosurfactants, Zeta Potential, DLVO, Green Chemistry.

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    Ofelia Maria Serralha dos Anjos
    Castelo Branco Polytechnic Institute
    School Agraria Quinta da Senhora de Mercules

    Research Interest: Lignocellulosic materials, infrared spectroscopy, Cork, pulp and paper.

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    Javier M
    Department of Chemistry and Environment
    University of Lisbon

    Research Interest: Membrane Technology (Micro,Ultra,Nanofiltration, Reverse Osmosis, Membrane Bioreactors), Advanced Oxidation Processes, Biological Processes, Water and Wastewater Treatments, Desalination, Catalytic Processes.

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    Bassam S Tawabini
    King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals
    Saudi Arabia

    Research Interest: Investigation The Fate of Organic and Inorganic Pollutants In The Water, Air and Soil Environments, Assessment, Monitoring and Remediation of Water, Groundwater and Soils Contaminated With Hazardous Pollutants, Assessing The Fate of The Disinfection By-Products (Dbps) Formed When Disinfecting Water Using Chlorine, Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide, The Treatment Of Groundwater Contaminated With MTBE, BTEX and Other Vocs Using Advanced Oxidation Processes (I.E. The Combination of Ultraviolet Light (UV), Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2), Chlorine (Cl2) and Ozone (O3)), Adsorption of Heavy Metals From Water By Novel Nano Adsorbents and Natural Material Such As Fly Ash, Removal of Inorganic and Organic Contaminants By Phytoremediation, Assessing The Management Policy of Drilling Wastes In The Environment, Also Doing Intensive Research on The Treatment Of Contaminated Water Using Nano-Scale Photo-Catalytic Degradation By Carbon Nanotubes (Cnts), Titanium Dioxide (Tio2) And N-Doped Titania.

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    Darren Delai Sun
    School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
    Nanyang Technological University

    Research Interest: Tio2 Nanofibe/Tube Membrane For Water and Energy (H2 And Solar Cell) Production, Membrane Fouling Mechanism, Control and Prevention, Novel Multifunctional Membrane Designs, Membrane Bioreactor, Nano Composite Membranes and Its Modules For Environmental Applications, Nanofiber Forward Osmosis Membranes and Nano Draw Solution, Reutilization of Waste Into Value-Added Product.

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    Shiao-Shing Chen
    Institute of Environmental Engineering and Management
    National Taipei University of Technology

    Research Interest: Physicochemical Process on Water and Wastewater Treatment By Incorporation of Membrane.

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    Jimmy C M Kao
    Institute of Environmental Engineering National Sun Yat-Sen University

    Research Interest: Groundwater and Soil Investigation and Remediation, Natural Treatment on Waste Treatment, Bioremediation of Contaminated Sites, Water Resource and Watershed Management, Water Quality Modeling, Water and Wastewater Treatment.

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    Chung-Hsin WU
    Chemical and Materials Engineering
    National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology

    Chung-Hsin WU received a Doctorate in Environmental Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1999 and he joined the faculty of Chemical and Materials Engineering at National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (NKUST) in 2010 as a Professor. He was the head of the department during 2015-2019 and he was the dean of the college of engineering now. Prof. WU directed the Lab. of Environmental Physiochemical Treatment in NKUST. He was a registered professional engineer (P.E., Taiwan) in environmental engineering. His research interest included treatment processes for contaminated waters and hazardous chemicals, for which seven Taiwan patents have been issued. He was currently working on the synthesis of novel photocatalysts. Prof. WU had authored over 110 SCIE journal papers and 85 conference presentations and seminars.

    Research Interest: Water and Wastewater Treatment, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Toxic Chemical Treatment, Waste Treatment.


    Number of publications: 121

    Skype ID:   chunghsinwu

    More Info.
    Chenju Liang
    Department of Environmental Engineering
    National Chung-Hsing University

    Research Interest: Soil and groundwater remediation - In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO), In situ chemical reduction (ISCR), Physical and chemical treatment processes, Advanced Oxidation Technologies for treatment of water contamination, Synthesis of nano materials for environmental remediation, Development of physical/chemical technologies for environmental remediation and restoration, Analysis of environmental contaminants and biological acute toxicity.

    More Info.
    Yu Tian
    Harbin Institute of Technology Huanghe,Nangang District

    Research Interest: Behavioural Research In Management, Accounting ,Incentive, Systems, Performance Evaluation, Management, Control Systems, Game Theory and Experimental Economics.

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    Ru-Song Zhao
    Shandong Academy of Sciences, Jinan

    Research Interest: Sample Pre-treatment Techniques and Chromatographic Analysis of Environmental Pollutants. In Recently Years, He Shows Great Interest In Emerging Contaminants Such As Polybrominateddiphenylethers (Pbdes), Hexabromocyclododecanes (Hbcds), Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (Ppcps).

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    Ying Zhou
    State Key Laboratory of Oil & Gas Reservoir Geology & Exploitation Southwest Petroleum University

    Research Interest: Environmental and Energy-Related Catalytic Materials, Synchrotron Based In Situ Techniques.

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    Chunlian Xu
    Dayangfang Anwai Chaoyang District Beijing

    Research Interest: Water Pollution Control and treatment Technology; Environment Technology Assessment.

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    Luo Xu-Biao
    College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
    Nanchang Hangkong University

    Research Interest: Environmental Biotechnology and Bioremediation, Nano-materials and Environmental Functional materials for deeply treating waste water and recycling resources, Photocatalysis, such as Photodegradation of organic pollutants, Environmental monitoring method.

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    Shou-Qing Ni
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering Shandong University

    Research Interest: Typical Treatment and Detection of Environmental Pollutants, Especially The Degradation of Persistent Organic Pollutants In The Environment, and Product Analysis; Biological Wastewater Treatment Technology, Autotrophic Nutrients Removal; The Environmental Applications Of Micro-and Nano Materials and Their Interaction With Biological Processes; The Development of New Green Energy.

    More Info.
    Dong Fan
    College of Environmental and Biological Engineering Chongqing Technology and Business University

    Research Interest: Air Pollution Control, Photocatalysts, Photocatalysis, Nanocomposites, Nanomaterials, Air.

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    Yaobin Zhang
    School of Environmental Science and Technology Dalian Liaoning

    Research Interest: Anaerobic Digestion of Wastes, Methane Produced From Biochemical Processes,

    Wastewater Treatment Technologies.

    More Info.
    Yinguang Chen
    Tongji University

    Research Interest: Environmental Behavior of Pollutants, Principle and Technology For Biological Treatment and Reuse of Pollutants.

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    Fei Teng
    School of Environmental Science and Engineering
    Nanjing University

    Research Interest: Atmospheric Environment pollution control, Photo Chemistry & Catalysis, Nano Structures and Catalysis Science, Super Capacitor Materials and Energy.

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    Qiang Xue
    School of Water Resources and Environment
    University of Geosciences

    Research Interest: Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Computing in Mathematics, Natural Science, Engineering and Medicine.

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    Haiming Huang
    School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
    Yanshan University

    Research Interest: Wastewater Resource Treatment; Zeolite Adsorption; Phosphate and Ammonia Recovery; Wastewater Treatment Plant Design.

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    Tifeng Jiao
    School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering
    Yanshan University

    Research Interest: Preparation, Self-Assembly, and Application of Functionalized Nanomaterials; Supramolecular Assembly; Organized Molecular Films; Supramolecular Gels.

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    Junhui Hu
    Deputy Director
    State Key Laboratory Mechanics and Control of Mechanical Structures

    Research Interest: Vibration Utilization; Ultrasound; Energy Harvesting.

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    Ki-Hyun Kim
    Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
    Hanyang University

    Research Interest: Air pollution, air quality management, odor pollution, Civil EngineeringMaterials Engineering, Chemistry,  Analytical Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Chemistry,   Environment

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    Marcel Popa
    Chemical Engineering & Environmental Protection Technical University

    Research Interest: Microparticles, Crosslinking,Biomaterials, Liposomes,Polymers, Polymer Chemistry,Hydrogel, Materials Chemistry,Nanobiotechnology, Nanotechnology,Nanoparticles, Functionalization,Polymerization, Materials,Polysaccharide, Composites,Derivatives, Membranes,Polyurethane, Hydrolysis.

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